ZMedia Purwodadi

Find the Indonesian meanings of the following words: a. Bills (N) b. Purchases (N) c. Withdraw (V) d. Seamlessly (Adv.) e. Robbery (N) f. Law enforcement (N) g. Detect (V) h. Drawback (N) i. Anonymously (Adv.) j. Vulnerable (Adj.)See answer

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Find the Indonesian meanings of the following words a Bills N b Purchases N c Withdraw V d Seamlessly Adv e Robbery N f Law enforcement N g Detect V h Drawback N i Anonymously Adv j Vulnerable Adj…


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Find the Indonesian meanings of the following words: a. Bills (N) b. Purchases (N) c. Withdraw (V) d. Seamlessly (Adv.) e. Robbery (N) f. Law enforcement (N) g. Detect (V) h. Drawback (N) i. Anonymously (Adv.) j. Vulnerable (Adj.)

Basic Answer

Step 1: Indonesian Translation of Each Word

Here’s a list of the Indonesian translations for each English word, keeping in mind that some words might have multiple translations depending on context:

a. Bills (N): Tagihan (general bills), Uang kertas (paper money/banknotes)
b. Purchases (N): Pembelian (general purchases)
c. Withdraw (V): Menarik (withdraw money), menarik diri (withdraw from something)
d. Seamlessly (Adv.): Dengan lancar, tanpa hambatan
e. Robbery (N): Perampokan
f. Law enforcement (N): Penegak hukum
g. Detect (V): Mendeteksi, menemukan
h. Drawback (N): Kelemahan, kekurangan
i. Anonymously (Adv.): Secara anonim
j. Vulnerable (Adj.): Rentan

Step 2: Verification of Meanings

The translations provided above are common and widely accepted. However, the best translation will always depend on the specific context in which the English word is used. For example, “bills” could also refer to a proposed law, which would translate differently in Indonesian.

Final Answer

The Indonesian translations are: a. Tagihan/Uang kertas; b. Pembelian; c. Menarik/menarik diri; d. Dengan lancar, tanpa hambatan; e. Perampokan; f. Penegak hukum; g. Mendeteksi/menemukan; h. Kelemahan/kekurangan; i. Secara anonim; j. Rentan.